26 November 2007

manic monday

November 26 2007

Which personality trait has gotten you into the most trouble?

Pfff... Can I answer this one next year?

I think the most troubles are caused by ... hmmm...

I'm a bit shy. Not when it's about the children or others, but when it's about me.
Not really on internet, but in real life I am.
I can make the perfect impression that I'm open and outgoing, but people won't see how I really feel.

I haven't had real troubles with it. Unless you count not finding a loving husband real troubles.

If you had to gain 10 pounds what would you eat to gain the weight?

Applepie, schwarzwalderkirschtorte, icecream, fudge.

How is your private self different from your public self?

People see me as the woman who stands up for her children, who has an outspoken opinion, who's never lost of a kind word and who can turn into a stand up comedian in a waitingroom.

I'm rather quiet at home...

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Anonymous,  26 November 2007 at 21:03  

I want a big serving of schwarzwalderkirschtorte
it sounds yummy!
Sending bloglove your way,

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