05 November 2007

manic monday

Describe yourself in one word:


What is your favorite kitchen utensil and why?

ttt...don't know the translation.
It's a wooden flat spoon.
It can be used to stir, lift pancakes, keep the bottom of the pan clean.
I love it!

What is the one thing that frightens you the most about growing old?

There are a couple of things I don't like:
That I can do less. I've been a balletdancer and I miss the freedom of dancing.
That I get ugly. Gravity is pulling at my eyelids and that makes me feel tired and look old.
That I don't have the chance to find the right partner anymore. It's the loneliness of never been seen as the person I am. Never to experience to be number 1 in the life of someone else, and forgetting myself because the other is the real number 1.

Loosing my dreams.... giving them up, one by one.

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Siani 5 November 2007 at 15:58  

Great answers. Old age is a scary thought, isn't it? Have a great week.

Unknown 5 November 2007 at 19:12  

That sounds like a useful spatula type thing! :-)

Not everyone gets ugly with age! Dihann Carroll isn't ugly. Or Dame Judy Dench.

My answers are here.

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