20 November 2007

House Plans and More

Had a good talk with the neighbour again about the new house.

She was very happy I told her to make a list with everything she absolutely couldn't do without in a house, everything she needed in a house and everything she wanted in a house.

It made it far more easy to make choices between houses she liked.

House Plans and More offers help with making floor plans (home plans, home designs), so you'll get the most functional architecture for your new house, wether it still needs to be built or whether you're looking for an already excisting house.

House Plans and More uses a home plan cost estimator, HDA residential estimating software, other recourses and ofcourse their expertise.

The site offers interesting information.
When browing through the Log Home Plans, keep in mind that you have a choice between a natural look (made of peeled wood) and milled wood (wood that has been through a selectionprocess and has been worked on.)

Going through the list of for instance luxury home Plans, will generate many ideas.
As does browsing for instance the Ranch House Plans.

Ofcourse there are many more architectural styles. They're all catagorised and it makes the site very easy to use.

You have different options to sort the plans: by best sellers, total square feet, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, or estimated cost.

In case you're new at the site you'd best use the main search feature, which includes dimensions, 3 important features and some other information.

I'm sure you'll find at this site what you need.
You can enter your postal code to get the estimaled build costs.


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Main image by Comteche.




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