02 November 2007

friday's feast

How much money do you plan to spend this upcoming holiday season?

Well, it depends on the bills we get up until then, and upon how much the health insurance is going to cost next year.
Right now I don't have much insight in expneses, because the prices of groceries have gone up very much. With a family of 8 that's a huge difference.
I'm a bit afraid we won't have much this year...like last year. And I felt so very bad...

What was the last television show you watched, and was it good?

As The World Turns.. well, it's a soap.
Yes, it was great.

The last show?? Can't remember...

If you had to paint the walls of your living room tomorrow, what color would you choose?

Haha!! I'm in the middle of it.
It's a light blue/purple. Very light.

Main Course
Name something clever or practical you have thought of that should be invented, but hasn’t yet.

Nooooo, I won't tell you.
I need to get rich, you don't.

List 3 things you would like to receive as gifts this upcoming holiday season.

  • smallpipes, something for my uniform or something else that's scottish
  • a place to stay for free during so I can go on vacation
  • just something really for me

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Anonymous,  2 November 2007 at 22:36  

Nice Friday post! I just posted about my friday! Hope you have a great weekend!

Kathy, Jeff's Wife 3 November 2007 at 13:24  

I couldn't find your email address so I am contacting you this way, I tried to leave you a message on your contact form on the other site, but it didn't seem to be working.

You did not win my quilting give away but I am offering a 50% discount to everyone that commented this week. You can check it out on my blog if you are interested.

THANK YOU for taking part in my give away!

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