26 November 2007

lcd digital photo frames

My son lives in a house with a couple of other people.
They'll celebrate the birthday of one of the groupleaders soon.
A bit too soon to find out themselves what he wanted to have, so they phoned his wife.
She told them he loved to have an lcd digital photo frame.

Now they have a new baby they can't afford to buy one, but when the group at the home will be able to raise the money, she will provide the photos.

What a marvellous idea!

So the young people living there, and the other group leaders have put their money together and they were so happy to have reached the necessary amount.

When they arrived at Digital Framez, they saw there was a discount of 5% for ordering before december 1, so they have bought him not only a digital photo frame but a mug and a package of cocoa too.

I had a look at the site of Digital Framez.
They have lowered their prizes tremendously. Not only for the digital frames but also for the portable DVD players.

Worth a look when you haven't done all your christmasshopping.


Stacey 27 November 2007 at 04:00  

that is so sweet of them to do that!!

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