14 November 2007

works for me

For the first time I didn't experience discomfort when the dentist wanted to make an impression of my teeth.

Ofcourse that was a relief.

What happened?

The assistant was not of the talkative kind and she didn't announce she was coming with that large thing with fluid rubber.
She just asked me to open my mouth and pushed the thing in it.

It happened that I had my tongue upwards in the back of my mouth, instead of well out of the way.
The coloured stuff pressed against my tongue, but didn´t cause me to gag.

So, that´s my little bit of advice for you this week.

It works for me and hopefully it will work for you too.

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Lady Why 14 November 2007 at 16:21  

I gag at the 'thought' of a dental impression! I'll try the tongue trick next time and see how it goes! Thanks for the idea!!

Anonymous,  14 November 2007 at 19:26  

I had several of those when I was a kid. I had an overbite like you can't imagine. The braces straightened it out, and they would occasionally make impressions to track the progress. I always gagged.
But now I know the tonigue trick ;)
Take care

Aubrey 15 November 2007 at 00:25  

I had braces twice growing up, once when I was 6 and then again in middle school. I puked every. single. time. I had an impression. Even when I was 15 and should have been able to stop. Hopefully those are a thing of the past, but if it happens again I'll definitely try your trick.

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