23 November 2007

friday's feast

As our chef is celebrating Thanksgiving and in his menu today is only turkey, for those who want to play anyway Gattina's put up a feast.
Here is the menu.

Imagine that you are deaf, dumb and insensitive to touch. What other image of happiness could you have?

Being deaf would be very difficult.
Music keeps me alive, so first I would try to find ways to restore a sense of hearing, even when that means feeling fibrations inside.

I've got a grotta. That's an instrument that is used for healing people.
I think I would use it far more than I do now.

Keeping my sight would be a real happiness.
I could travel all over the world, read and write.

Do you collect anything?

Oh yes: giraffes, little houses, fountain pens, teapots.
I love earrings and pendants, and musical instruments.
I stopped collecting children.

When do you start your Christmas?

Certainly not before Sinterklaas has gone. That's december 6.
Changing the home into a christmasfeel makes my autistic kid go nuts. He experiences it as a true change of the world and he has to find a new sense of home again.
So some years I decorate only minimal. Just depending how I feel about facing all the meltdowns.

Main Course
What would you do if you were in a corner and a snake was staring you down?

Stare back ...
Sheeshj...I don't know.
Maybe step towards it to make an end to the situation.

If you were in the library and had gas.

Who? Me? I never have gas???!!!


Anonymous,  23 November 2007 at 15:19  

Nice Friday's Feast! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Come on over and Check out my combined blog with Thursday and Friday! Have a good weekend! Gotta go put up Christmas decor soon!

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Main image by Comteche.




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