30 November 2007

Realising a dream with Blogsvertise

Isn't it great to make a bit of extra money?

Speaking for myself: I can do with a bit of extra cash.

My children are growing fast and because of their handicaps they need more than other children.

And I have a few dreams... Don't we all?
I want to realise them before I can't anymore.

Working outside the house is out of the question, but working at home can be done each and every day.
And it feels so good to have a goal.

So I've applied for a place between all bloggers that write for Blogsvertise each day.

You can do it too.

Blogsvertise offers opportunities. The guidelines and rules are clear, links will be provided, and all I have to do is give my honest opinion about a site, a product, a service.
After approval Blogsvertise sends what I've earned to my paypal account.

It's such a great way to realise my dreams a little bit each time.


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Main image by Comteche.




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