09 November 2007

Smorty, for you too

Smorty has launched a new referral program.

This banner at the bottom of this post will lead you to Smorty so you can sign up and earn me a referral fee.

Ofcourse you now want to know what Smorty is.

Smorty is a service that connects advertisers with bloggers.
blog advertising is a far better means to reach potential customers than banners and other ways if advertising online.
It's a more honest way too, because bloggers can give their own opinion and criticism, so people will be better informed than through a banner.

To advertise on blogs also means that bloggers get paid for blogging, which motivates them to research the subject/item/site they write about.

Many bloggers like this because they often run out of subjects and with Smorty they'll get a subject to write about and get paid to blog.

They prefer Smorty because they'll get a warning in the mail when there's a task available for them, and because the assignments are clearly worded and a link is given.
Submitting written blogs for approval is also easy.

Smorty is wellknown for paying out fast and accurate.
Paypal is used, which enables people from all countries around the world to take part.


Use the banner!

Blog Advertising - Get Paid to Blog


Anonymous,  15 November 2007 at 09:30  

Sounds good. Will try it as soon as possible. thanks for the link.

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