02 December 2007

Wedding Lane

Organising a wedding is a time of stress and anticipation.
Sometimes the stress to get a dream fullfilles is so great that the bride forgets that she's creating the day of her life.
To get things done the right way can be the main goal, and I've seen quite some brides and assistants forget that millions of pairs went before them and that they have left us with a large amount of knowledge about what works and what not.

Wedding Lane is a site that offers a simple business directory of mainly small shops.
There are no banners, nor wonderful pictures that divert the attention.

It's a place where you can find advice about everything that has to do with organising a wedding.

Take for instance the subject of wedding invitations.

The way people usually mke a choice is by visiting all sorts of shops and businesses, look through the books with samples, or take them home. And then a time of endless decision making starts.

Why not take some good advice on invitations, and grant the printing to a local store. They know what's in fashion, they know what's appreciated, and their experience can make a world of difference.

When we had to make the decision we wanted elegant wedding invites.
So we asked for the book at one of the local printshops. The man smiled.
He asked my fiancee to leave the building and buy me a bouquet of roses and invited me for a cup of coffee.
Then he started to ask questions. About my dress, the flowers, the church, the date, if I loved gold or silver, which jewelry I would wear. He commented on my blue eyes, etc etc.

Then he took a book, opened it and showed me what he thought would be a perfect match to the complete day.
To my surprise I really liked the invites he showed.

They would present our guests with the right feel about the wedding.

So I made a choice without all the fuzz many other brides to be experience.

We took another cup of coffee and then he asked me if I knew why he asked my fiancee to get roses.
Because he knew I would go for the classical, traditional style of wedding invitations.
Not because I'm old fashioned. Oh no!! Because they have proven to be the best.


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Main image by Comteche.




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