30 December 2007

American Dream Realty offers lots of options

It's on TV, it's in the papers, it's everywhere: programs about buying estate in vacation areas.

People are really looking to get away from the city noises, the bussy agendas and office hours stress.

Who blames them?

Don't look at me.

I wish I could make my dream come true. But i have to wait untill the children are grown.

But you can go for it, and why not?

Adrhi.com is the perfect site to start with (and stay on. LOL!).

When you want to buy a vacation home, you should buy Hawaii real estate.

I'm all in favor of ecofriendly tourism, and Hawaii has invested so much in it, that you can dream you're in the original paradise.

Jeff Manson and his team of American Dream Realty provide realtor and real estate services for all Hawaiian islands, including Maui real estate and Kauai real estate.

They know all the ins and outs, know all the attractive sites.
They'll give the best service, whether you want to buy a one million property with lots of land, or a cheap oceanview condo.
They can refer you to rtusted people, for financing you new home, for instance.

The photos on the site give you a clear impression of the property, and on the map you can see where it's situated. You can compare the list of inclusions with your own requirements and calculate how much items you need to add..if any.

A couple of online friends are looking tino buying one of the homes.
Putting their money together enables them to buy a home, and sharing the time their stay at the place is less expensive than booking a vacation each year.

I wish them lots of luck and I hope they'll invite me for a stay too.


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Main image by Comteche.




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