14 December 2007

Ofcourse I have to help my children with homework.
Even though I know a lot, I can't know it all.
Especially with history I need some additional information.
I just didn't listen when i was at school. LOL!

No problem.

There's a new searchengine... well, it's not new.. others have discovered it before me.
This searchengine is called: Spock.

My son had to write an essay about the Piet Hein, who fought the battle against Spain.
My son just typed it in and got a whole list with information too.

Spock can be used to search information and to find people. One can seach by name or by keywords that define the person, like he did with typing in "Piet Hein".

You can sign up and decide what information you want to have on internet: age, haircolour, your site, work, etc.
You can share your knowledge. One way is by adding information to the searchresults. You'll get recognised for your contribution.
As a member you can choose to get alerts when something is added, either on your profile or on that of others.
You can vote for and against a tag or pictures.
Even though it's not the intention of Spock to be a social network, there are opportunities for messaging, and by adding the proper tags you can get all the persons of a group in the searchresults.

The essay was ready in no time.
Added to the already found information he added some text about other historical seamen in Maarten Tromp and about others who served in the Dutch Navy.
I bet he has one of the best documented essays of the year.

Want an example of the info on Spock:


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