06 December 2007

Shopping at Farrey's

Friends changed their house completely, not by refurnishing it, but by redoing their lighting scheme.

They threw all the old lamps out and bought new lamps and fixed them at different places.

I think it's a marvellous idea.

That they went to an expensive shop is not a good idea.

They'd better gone to Farreys.com.
Farreys carries thousands of in- and outdoor light fixtures , also from the top brands, and offer them at the lowest prizes.

That way changing the lighting scheme isn't only a smart thing to do, but also wise.

I love shopping at Farrey's, because you can see which lamps are new within the blink of an eye, like the access lighting fixtures and some other (top brands of) home lighting .

Shopping online isn't only convenient, its easy too.

At Farrey's you can shop by brand, application or by style.

The lighting product search tool come sin very handy too.

I had a look at the chandeliers and bathroom light fixtures .
The lights we now have in the bathroom are a bit yellow, so applying make-up is a real art.

I want new kitchen light fixtures too. Apart from the ceiling light fixtures I really want some light at the entrance of the kitchen. That makes my eyes get used to the different light.
I have a woeklight there, but when I put it on my eyes hurt.
There's too much change between the lights in the livingroom and the kitchen.

Well, I've found what I need at Farrey's.


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