27 December 2007

christmas in The Netherlands

Someone asked which presents I've received at christmas.


Don't be amazed.

Here in The Netherlands we don't celebrate christmas with packages under the tree and presents.

We celebrate the gifts events at Sinterklaas.
It starts half november with Sinterklaas arriving in the country.

Kids can put their shoes ready, and during the nights sint throws in little presents.

Just before he leaves, in the night of december 5 to 6, he leaves the large presents.

So christmas is a more introvert event here.
Ofcourse many families have lots of food here, and families gather together, but there's also lots of attention for people who don't feel happy and live in bad circumstances.
And there's a lot of attention for peace.

Oh, how we long for peace!!!!


Stacey 27 December 2007 at 15:47  

the traditions over there are interesting to hear about!

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