27 December 2007

PixelProtector for better screen quality

Don't you like this time of year?

All those wonderful movies on TV, family gatherings where photos and videos are shared, and the internetsites where you can catch up after missing your favorite programs.

With DVD there's so much to share. So much to watch. And when you're completely out of reserves, you can even hire the most wonderful movies.

I know some people who have bought a new screen so they can enjoy the best quality, but they still don't have the clear vision as we have with our old screen.

There's a secret: PixelProtector.

I can't say it better than it's written on the PixelProtector site:
"PixelProtector™ is a DVD based premium screen diagnostic and calibration tool for all types of LCD, plasma and rear projection TV screens."

Many people plug in a TV and start watching their programs.
They don't resalise that a TV needs adjustment to get the sharpest images and the best colour.

PixelProtector helps to set your TV to the best quality, far better than you an get with visual comparison with a normal testscreen. And it's easier too.

Because it repairs screen burn, lost pixels, you'll get far better vision quality.

One of the problems we had was: "spooky images".
The kids started to call the feature this way and they were right.
Whenever a picture was displayed for a certain period of time, we had a shadow effect lasting.
Now we use PixelProtector it's gone.
We needed some time, but far less than was written in the instructions.

You don't need to be a technician to use PixelProtector.
There's a clear manual, but there's also an informationforum online and you can call customer's service.

Want to enjoy the new year's progams at the best quality?

Order it now.


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Main image by Comteche.




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