02 December 2007

fake bomb

Last tuesday 150 people were evacuated from an appartmentbuilding after a suspect package was found.
It was thought to be a bomb.

People spend hours away from their home, not knowing if the bomb might go off and destroy all their belogings.

It turned out to be a fake bomb and today a 23 years old man has admitted that it was meant to be a joke.

Guys like that aren't able to oversee the consequences of their actions.
Other people have to pay in stress and other emotions for their fun.

Even in my town we've had those "jokes", leading to much worries on my part, when the boys were due from school and had to pass the railwaystation that was closed, waiting for the arrival of the bombsquat.

I don't htink a fine and locking up those people will teach them not to do it again.


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