07 December 2007

christmas trees memories

Time goes far too fast.

We're cleaning away the sinterklaasitems and we're making plans for christmas.

Today I walked past a sellingpoint for christmastrees.

Each year they're different.

This year they're very tall and compact.
Like christmaspencils.

The guy who sells them is still the same.

He looked at me when I walked past and smiled.
I smiled back.
Many many years ago, when I was imagining I wasn't a child anymore, I worked for him, selling trees.
It was cold and at times it snowed a tiny little bit.

The people were digging themselves deeper in their coats, pulling the scarfs higher up.

He asked me to sing a song and I did.

It's so long ago...


Anonymous,  20 September 2008 at 12:24  

I just want to say that it is very nice post. Keep it up

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