23 October 2007

You can stop looking for ecommerce software



You can stop looking for ecommerce software.

Ashop Commerce has everything you need.
They provide awarded shopping cart software which is reliable, safe and is just perfect for your needs.

It's web based, so you don't have to install all sorts of programs and go through the stress if features won't work.

Did I say features?

Ashop Commerce shopping cart software provides throusands of features.
All are easy to use.

Want to know which ones?

I'm not going to list them all, just a few:

Acceptance of credit cards online
Fully customisable design
Web based store administration
Inventory control
Featured products
Multilevel product variants & optional surcharges
Multi level text variant option
Related products
Rich text editor (WYSIWYG editor)
Product reports
Category reports

And a lot more.

Everything you need is just one or two clicks from realisation.

Because everything is easy to use and easy to adjust you can start selling immediately after stocking your online shop.

The shopping cart can be checked out in a protected environment, using all major banks and payment systems, including paypal.
That's of the utmost imporatnce to give your customers the feeling that they're not risking that others can find out anything about their private information.

And in case you have any questions the Ashop Commerce team is waiting for you and will welcome any questions with open arms.


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Main image by Comteche.




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