04 October 2007

thursday bug

thursday bug meme

Sometimes it helps to share with others what bugs your mind.
They may have a solution, a kind word, or a smile of encouragement.

I've spend all morning writing letters, filling in forms, to get things arranged for my children.
It bugs me that there is so much paperwork involved, even when it concerns minor things.
It bugs me even more that I'm pressed to hurry up, whereas the other people involved have my paperwork on their desk for a long long time, even when just a signature needs to be written.
In this computertime it shouldn't be as much work!


What's your thursday bug?

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MommaBoo 4 October 2007 at 15:19  

Bless your heart, Lanne. I agree. During this, the computer age, it shouldn't be so annoying, but it is.

I'll have my bug up in a second!

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