23 October 2007

PRO360.com, online casino reviews since 1997

I've been asked to tell something about online casinos.

To be honest, I know a better place to ask this question.
You can go to PRO360.com and use their site to get the anwers.
Since 1997 they provide reviews of online casinos, so they know a lot more about then than I do.

The site is very easy to use.
At a blink of an eye you can see which bonusses they hand out, what the rating is of the editors and of the players themselves.
Even more interesting are the full reviews.
They offer a clear insight, so you know what you need to know before you start.

In case you decide to enter the world fo gambling, first read the information that is offered at the site.
No need to be completely naieve.

There's a beginners guide you should have read, and there are plenty of tips.

Why lack players information when you can get it?

At the moment many people play online poker.
But you can also get involved in craps, slots and roulette.

One word of advice: don't cross the limits you have set yourself.


Anonymous,  17 November 2007 at 08:47  

There are so many online casinos, it is always helpful to look up reviews before putting money anywhere - I am a poker player and losing money on a virtual poker table is risky enough - peace of mind that the casino is not taking you either is very necessary ... thanks for the new link - I will check it out!

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