11 October 2007

works for me: waking up fast

One of the boys has serious problems waking up.

He goes to bed in time, but when he sleeps he does it with as much dedication as he dos everything else.

Getting him out of his cosy warm bed became such a problem that I resorted to an age old remedy: cold water.

He takes with him a little tupperware bowl with a very moist washcloth with a drop of peppermint oil.

When it tumbles around it doesn't leak water because the bowl closes well.

When the alarm goes off he can pick up the bowl, open it and put the washing cloth in his face.

If he doesn't do it himself there's almost always someone else who enjoys thoroughly to put the cloth on his forehead.

Untill now he wakes up from the water and the smell.

Works for him and for me.

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Phyllis Sommer 11 October 2007 at 04:47  

cool idea. i'll have to give that a try. thanks for visiting me today and come back soon...

Piping Girl 11 October 2007 at 05:55  

Smart idea. I hate waking up too.

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