02 March 2008

marketing on the streets

Now the storm is gone and the sun is shining people take on their normal spring sunday acitvities.
In moderation, as it isn't officially spring yet, and the temperatures are not yet good enough for a T-shirt and jeans without a coat, but there's a start.

There's a complete new feature on the streets here.

One of the youngsters, or should I say adolescents, is able to print on jackets and T-shirts, bags and caps, and they all wear the name and url of their blog.

It's a very effective way of marketing their own blog.
And as they also have the urls of the others in the side-column the exposure of their
urls is like a real marketing campaign.

Don't tell me they don't know what they're doing.

They want new skateboard facilities and they hope to attract many visitors to their blogs who are also willing to sign their online list of request to the council.

I love this form of creativity and told then they should carefully monitor the visitors to their blogs and confront the local shops with their success. Good sponsoring is always wanted for youth activities!


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Main image by Comteche.




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