10 January 2008

At BullionVault.com you can keep your wealth stable

Just another 14 days and it's Robert Burns night again.
It's a traditional Scottish festivity, celebrated around the world by many who feel tied to Scotland. Bagpipers included.

For this year I planned to have smallpipes and surprise my fellow bandmembers with a nice piece of music, which sounds completely different from the highland pipes we all have.

Well. It won't happen.
I'm earning my money in dollars and I need to buy my bagpipes in Euros.
I should have been able to buy my smallpipes last month, but with the drop of the dollar, I'm just over halfway.
It feels so sad.... so sad....

It reminded me of the mother of a friend who gave him a gram of gold each year, and urged him to invest regularly in a few more grams, so he would always have something to fall back on.

Gold keeps it's value, no matter what happens.
Money doesn't.

In the past money was backed up with gold that was kept safely and carefully somewhere hidden. The gold wasn't used, so it didn't loose weight at all.
This golden standard is abandoned last century, and money is now backed by the faith that it's worth a certain amount of desirable products.

Inflation has caused the value of money to drop.
I can now only buy half of my smallpipes with my welldeserved earned money.

To influence the value of money more money is printed or it's taken off the market.
But the amount of gold always stays the same.

In a way money is still an indicator of how the economical situation of the world is.
When there's inflation the prize of gold goes up.

In a way gold still is guarding the economy.
It prevents governments to pump too fast too much new money into circulation, because when the value of the money drops too low too many people want to buy gold, and the value of money will change. Etc etc.

Even now the different currencies are not backed up by gold anymore, it's still a better investment than anything else in currency.

When buying gold you can invest in jewelry, coins or bare gold.
Ofcourse jewelry offers added pleasure, as do coins for the collector, but one has to consider that thare are manufacturer and shippingcosts and such have to be paid, so you'll get less for your money than when you buy bare gold.

Gold is made in bars.
They are large, usually 400 troy ounces each (12.4kg). Length is about 11 inches (28 cm) and purity is above 99.5%.
The professional market doesn't allow you to own part of a bullion bar, because they want to keep the weight of the bars stable. They're not moved, but are carefully kept in bullion vaults recognized and monitored by the local gold dealing community.
Because of this the gold isn't checked by buyers, which reduces costs. That's why they're called good delivery bars.

BullionVault.com is one of the places where you can buy professional market gold in a trusted and internationally acknowledged environment and keep it in any quantity in officially recognized bullion vaults in London (UK), New York (USA), or Zurich (Switzerland).

BullionVault.com enables individual gold buyers to trade on-line in increments as small as 1 gram - currently about $20.

Costs are kept low because of many reasons carefully explained at the site of BullionVault.com.

BullionVault.com has nearly 5 tonnes of gold in its vaults.
It's a transparent business. All client holdings are reconciled every day and published online using anonymous aliases. Protection of privacy is very important.

All the information you need is available at the site.

You can find the dynamic real time gold price at the gold price chart.
(Oh, it makes me feel I should have bought some grams of gold just two hours ago, so I could sell them right now at a far higher prize.)

Like I said, BullionVault.com provides all information needed. And more.
You can get more insight in the subject by reading the get started guide, the research section and all the other pages.

Because not everyone has enough english language skills to understand it all the site is translated in German, French and Italian.
And the goldprizes are given in dollars, english pounds and euros.

Now there are so many changes going on the national and international markets, leading to skyrocketing of prizes, like of oil. Now new participants are taking part in the world economy, like China, we need something to endure our money is worth the same over a few years, or over a lot of years.

Gold does this for you.

Think about it.


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