16 November 2008

Super Contest at JoeTech.com for sponsors and bloggers

With such a banner, need I say more?


JoeTech.com is preparing a huge contest with lots of prizes.
Cash, entrecard credits, designs...
At the moment the prizes are totalling up to $3,500!!!

Oh no...it's just updated...
It's now: $4,258!!!

Why not become a sponsor too and add to this huge amount?
You'll enable normal bloggers to have something extra for the special days that are coming soon.

I'm not going to reload the page, otherwise I keep rewriting this post. LOL!
You can find out yourself by clicking the badge and going to his site or going directly to http://www.joetech.com/suggests/nmsc.

Early publishers have a chance to win, so why don't you have a go at it too?

Good luck all!


08 November 2008

Do you need some encouragement?

When I was a student I agreed completely with the idea that everyone should give a percentage of their income to charity.
I hoped that by the time I had children it would be normal to pay a percentage for housing, a percentage for education, etc, and a percentage for charity.

But people are too greedy.

Are you one of them?

Or are you altruistic when you're pushed a little?

Well, you can help yourself from this day on.
You can shop with AidMaker.

It's a small piece of software you can download from www.eengoedezaak.nl.
That's a site of aGoodCause.com.

You might have heard about this global organisation.
It's a partnership of 700 important NGO's, like Save the Children, the Red Cross, Oxfam, etc etc. They all work towards a better world for nature and all living beings.

With AidMaker you can shop at 5000 online shops and generate funds for these charities.
When you buy something at these shops, you'll pay the normal prize, but the retailer donates part of the money to the cause you have chosen. 75% of the total purchase will be donated.
There's no need to do something yourself.

After installing AidMaker and choosing the cause you want, all the rest is done automatically.
Ofcourse you can change the cause whenever you want to, but there's no need.

The system is just launched in 8 countries: America, Great Britain, Denmark, Italy, Germany, France and The Netherlands.
You can choose your own language at the site, where you can find more information.

I hope you too want to participate this way in generating funds for charities.


06 November 2008

some music

The best possible results of the elections.
Even Palin going back to Alaska.

Life goes on.

Here's some music to enjoy.

Other posts can be found at my main blog.


01 November 2008

Does he know himself?

And this is the man who attacks the other candidate when he says he want to be better informed about certain issues to make a well balanced and well founded statement?

How are we ever going to believe this man in international matters after this?

Well, at least we can say we've been warned extensively.


Have a look

Happy November!

Featured at Laane's Links a blog that is well worth a visit.

I've found it on my daily walks on internet.



Main image by Comteche.




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